Difference Between NSDL and CDSL

Difference Between NSDL and CDSL : A Detailed Comparison

In India, there are two major depositories which perform a very important function in the structure of the financial system of the country NSDL and CDSL. These are middlemen between the investors and the stock exchanges they assist in the electronic trading of shares as well as storage. Despite the fact these two have similarities in their working, there are certain variations that every investor and trader should know. This article offers information to explain and compare NSDL and CDSL regarding their performances, targets, and other operational features.

What is NSDL and CDSL ?

Now we will know about what is NSDL and CDSL / NSDL and CDSL full form or functions they perform in the securities market in India.

NSDL stands for National Securities Depository Limited.

A policy is maintained by the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), which was established in India in the year 1996. This accident was marketed by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in collaboration with the large banks and other financial players. Hence, the introduction of NSDL to get rid of the difficulties like forgery, theft and time consuming certificates in the change of ownership process.

CDSL (Central Depository Service Limited)

The operational depository second largest in India is the Central Depository Services Limited which started operation from the financial year 1999. This was backed by Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) besides other ps and pb sector banks. CDSL was established for the purpose of intensifying competition, delivering cost advantages, and extending access to service in the Indian market.

NSDL and CDSL both offer an electronic holding mechanism through which share purchase, selling and transfer happens electronically and without the use of physical documents.

Key Difference between NSDL and CDSL

Here is a detailed comparison of the two depositories based on various parameters:


  • NSDL: It is set and facilitated by the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE), which is India’s leading stock exchange.

  • CDSL: CDSL: The index fund is introduced by the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), which started its operations in the Asia continent.

  • Key Insight: The main separation comes from their parent markets. NSE is much connected with NSDL and BSE with CDSL.

Year of Establishment

  • NSDL: NSDL was set up in 1996, and it remains the first depository out of all the other depositories set up in India.

  • CDSL: CDSL was incorporated three years later in January 1999.

Market Share

  • NSDL: Although it entered the securities depository business earlier and benefited from NSE as a partner, NSDL holds a slightly higher market share in this business than CDSL.

  • CDSL: Nonetheless, CDSL began its operations relatively later, but still has established itself and has been exhibiting growth. NSDL can now be considered one of its closest competitors in terms of market coverage and usage by members of the public.

  • Key Insight: Both the depositories combined have billions of rupees worth of assets and have a much closer rivalry with each other in recent years.

Depository Participants (DPs)

  • NSDL: With effect from 2024, NSDL consists of over 300 depository participants.

  • CDSL: CDSL has total numbers of 600 plus depository participants.

  • Key Insight: Although the number of DPs is comparatively small, NSDL has a strong focus on large institutions in each of the states. While NSE has limited tie-ups having large brokers and multi-service companies, CDSL is associated with more a2a sellers including small brokers and dealers interconnect.

Demat Account Number Format

  • NSDL: The Demat account number for NSDL comprises two parts consisting of the letters ‘IN” followed by a 14 digit number in numbers, for example IN12345678901234.

  • CDSL: The CDSL Demat account number is alphanumeric and for pure numeral this has 16 digits like 1234567890123456.

  • Key Insight: The stockholders can determine the depository based on the format numbers used for their Demat accounts.

Presence and Reach

  • NSDL: NSDL is comparatively in a better position in the urban and metro cities than NSDL.

  • CDSL: CDSL has been able to penetrate deeper into the country, establishing operations in Tier II and Tier III towns which means the company has been part of the financier inclusion crusade.

  • Key Insight: CDSL has in fact found its own segment of investors to target in the semi urban and rural investors as against NSDL which continues to dominate the institutional investors.

Technology Infrastructure

  • NSDL: It is well recognized that NSDL is established with great infrastructure, which is technological. This applies the current technologies to enhance safety and efficiency in the transactions process.

  • CDSL: Like NSDL, CDSL also has secure technology; however, people think of it as offering a slightly less advanced solution than NSDL.

Services Offered

Both NSDL and CDSL offer similar services to investors, such as:

  • Electronic acquisition of stocks (stocks, bonds, indexes, etc).

  • Transfer of securities

  • Pledging and hypothecation of securities

  • Delayering and relayering

  • Nomination facility

  • Company  actions such as bonuses, dividends, etc.

However, NSDL enjoy certain form of higher added value especially in providing additional services and products, especially to institutions.

Associated Exchanges

  • NSDL: So, it is mostly connected with NSE and occupies the leading position in transactions related to NSE spheres.

  • CDSL: It is mainly linked with BSE but is also connected with other regional stock exchanges.

  • Key Insight: Both depositories operate with all important stock exchanges but maintain rather close connection with their referent exchanges.

Difference Between NSDL and CDSL





National Stock Exchange (NSE)

Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

Year of Establishment



Market Share

Slightly larger due to early entry

Rapidly growing, competing closely

Demat Account Format

Starts with ‘IN’ (e.g., IN123456789012)

Numeric, 16 digits (e.g., 1234567890123456)

Depository Participants

Over 300

Over 600

Geographical Reach

Strong presence in urban areas

Wider reach in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities

Technology Infrastructure

Advanced, robust systems

Reliable but slightly behind NSDL

Associated Exchange

Primarily linked with NSE

Primarily linked with BSE

Similarities between NSDL and CDSL

However, it must be noted that NSDL and CDSL are similar in their functions and have the same goals- of providing for holding of securities in electronic form and trading of the same. Here are some key similarities:

  • Dematerialization: Both NSDL and CDSL assist the investors to transact and dematerialize their share physically into electronic format.

  • Security: Both depositories apply sophisticated technology to protect investors’ securities.

  • Corporate Actions: Both go through corporate events like dividends, bonus shares, rights issues, and stock split.

  • Regulation: SEBI is the regulatory body for both kinds of mutual funds.

  • Investor Protection: There are ways for investors to dispute abusive practices by both institutions for investor grievance redressal mechanisms.

  • Competitive Fees: The list of services provided by depositories are almost similar and charge moderate transaction fees for depository participants and investors.

Which Depository Should Investors Choose ?

When it comes to managing their Demat accounts , NSDL is as good as CDSL as far as the investors are concerned. Generally, the selection of depository mainly depends on the dp or broker by which the investor opens a demat account.

Factors to Consider When Choosing:

  • Broker Preference: Whilst some brokers use NSDL for dematerialisation, some others use CDSL.

  • Account Format: They may use account numbers in lieu of IDs; if you prefer a simple numerical account number, however, CDSL may be preferable. However, if the alphanumeric account format is not an option, one can use account numbers in NSDL .

  • Location: If you are situated in a Tier 2 or Tier 3 city, CDSL may be more active there.

  • Additional Services: More value added services might be on offer through NSDL for institutional or high net worth investors.

Bottom Line: It is therefore extremely difficult for the average retail investor to distinguish the quality of service between the two depositories; NSDL and CDSL.

Functions of NSDL and CDSL for the Indian Economy

NSDL and CDSL have humbly played their roles in growth and development of the securities market in India. Their introduction has:

  • Decreased hazards related to physical securities.

  • Had given a boost to the efficiency in securities trading.

  • Enabled efficient management of electronic forms of securities for ease of holding and transfer by investors.

  • Gave a boost to investors’ confidence in the Indian financial system.

Thus, as the volumes and the number of associated investors increases rapidly, both NSDL and CDSL remain instrumental in dematerialising markets and delivering continuous and effective trading to retail investors.


NSDL and CDSL are major players in the Indian depository system The National Securities Depository Limited and the Central Depository Service limited. Consequently, although a first mover and strongly aligned with NSDL, CDSL has become an equally capable competitor today due to its expansion and connection with BSE. Overall the two are quite similar in offering most services though there is slight difference in the functionalities of two depositories, both are equally safe, secure, efficient, reliable etc.

In cases of NSDL and CDSL the investors get constrained with brokers/depository participants of their selection frequently. In the end, both institutions work towards a common goal is to build a SYB trading environment that is reliable, fast, and minimally paper based in the context of India.


NSDL (National Securities Depository Limited) and CDSL (Central Depository Services Limited) are two depositories in India that hold securities like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds in electronic form for investors.

NSDL: National Securities Depository Limited

CDSL: Central Depository Services Limited

  • NSDL is promoted by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and major financial institutions like IDBI Bank.
  • CDSL is sponsored by the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and HDFC Bank, State Bank of India, and Canara Bank.

Both NSDL and CDSL offer the same services with minor differences. Choosing one depends on your Demat account provider (Depository Participant). NSDL is widely used by institutional investors, whereas CDSL is more popular among retail investors.

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